Thursday, December 25, 2008

You are about to enter the no spin zone

Today is Christmas.  

I am watching 'Deal or No Deal' right now.  This guy is terrible.  It is the holiday special and they are offering different holiday deals.  This guy has only opened 6 cases.  He knocked out the million, 100,000, 75,000 already.  His first offer was $43,ooo.  If you are an avid 'Deal or No Deal' watcher, you know that that offer was very low.  I don't foresee him going very far in this game.  

Like I mentioned before, today is Christmas.  A time for presents, family and going to see movies because nothing else is open.  Not even gas stations that are 24 hours.  This means you are trapped in the house with your family and the inevitable 24 hours of a christmas story on TBS.  This monopolizes my television watching habits.  Don't get me wrong, A Christmas Story is a great movie.  Once a year.  Not back to back to back to back to back to get the idea.  I mean, did so many people write letters to TBS headquarters saying 'PLEASE PLEASE OH PLEASE Mr. Turner, you know what would make my holidays complete? A constant stream of A Christmas Story.'  I mean come on people, if you like the movie enough to write a letter to request it for 24 strait hours, JUST BUY THE DAMN THING.  Sorry, just a little holiday frustration.  I am all for tradition, especially around the holidays, but 24 hours of the same movie is borderline insane.  If you watch this movie for that amount of time, not only do you need to get a life, but you probably should look into medication for an undiagnosed mental condition.  How did this even become a tradition?  TBS needs to hire better tradition makers.  If you are interested, contact Ted Turner in Atlanta.  

Dinner.  Arguably my favorite meal, only gets better around the holidays.  Tonight for instance, We had Prime Rib, cheese grits, and my favorite part....(drum roll......)   Sister Schubert Rolls.  I can without a doubt take down an entire pan by myself.  But I try and limit myself to half a pan.  
The sensor that tells my dashboard that my parking brake is on is broken.  This means the light stays lit up even when the parking break is not engaged.  This would not be a big deal, other than the fact that when i drive, the car dings at me.  So when I am driving, all I hear is DING DING DING DING.  I tried to turn up my radio to drown out the horrendous noise, but the ding just gets louder.  Its frustrating to say the least.  Anyone want a ride around town?  Or borrow my car?  If you survive, it will make you a stronger person.  

I hope every one had a very Merry Christmas.  

Oh, I almost forgot, a long time ago, Conan O'Brien used to do a thing on his show that went like this....

He had a lever behind his desk that when he pulled it, it showed a classic clip of the one of a kind show 'Walker, Texas Ranger'.  I stayed up late last night watching all of the random clips on youtube.  I am going to include this link if you care to join the hilarity.

Big Gulps huh?

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