Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Festivus miracle

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes.  That way you will be a mile away and have their shoes.

That always makes me laugh when I think about it.  I would not do it to someone you don't know very well, because they will more than likely take offense to the fact that you stole their shoes. 

I was over at a friend's house today and her little sister (age 13) had a blackberry.  Is that the society we live in now?  That a 13 year old has so much email and is loaded down with that much responsibility that they have to check their email in between pre-algebra and lunch?  That seems a little amazing to me.  That probably means that I will buy my child a cell phone in kindergarden, otherwise they will be missing out on all of the important emails throughout the day from their friends during nap time.  God forbid.

For the longest time, I was completely against blogs.  My thought process was "whose life is so important that they need to document it for all of the world to read?".  But like other things, I am always about three years behind the curve on stuff like this.  And I always seem to end up doing the very things that I bash for a significant amount of time.  (i.e. LOST).   It always seems to be things that Yates starts first, and I make fun of.  But inevitably, I cave and what I thought was dumb ends up being the exact thing that I do.  

Yates: 2               Plumb: 0

There is nothing better than sitting by a warm fire on a cold night.  I am sitting by one right now and it is glorious.  

Boise State is over rated and I am tired of hearing about them.  I hope TCU embarrasses them.

That is all for now.  My inaugural post has now come to a close.

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