Wednesday, December 24, 2008

No such thing as fun for the whole family

There is a maximum, a ceiling of the amount of time a family can be together and not bicker.  

If you are a Plumb, that ceiling is approximately 48 hours.  And there is no such thing as bickering.  There is usually a blown out, drag out fight.  You know that cartoon where the cat and the dog are in a room and they turn into a big ball of dust and fists flying?  That is a typical family reunion.  The only question is what will be the ignition source?

Usually, as stupid and childish as it sounds, it is something like who called shotgun, or other various childish debates that lead to the cat dog dust circle of death scene.  And have no mistake, I enjoy a good fight, it keeps my head sharp and it gives me a chance to use some big words that I heard on a TV show once.  

I always win.  There is no question.

But I do not hold grudges.  (although some people might), but it is always better the next day and the reason for the fight is usually forgotten or at least never brought up again (until we go for scene 2 of the dust fist fury of death).

Moving right along....

I recently discovered the best invention this side of penicillin and sliced bread.  A little thing called Netflix.  What a great idea.  I mean, unlimited DVD's by mail for a flat fee.  Not only that, but you can go online to their website and watch movies and TV shows online anytime.  That has been the greatest thing ever.  I go on and watch all of those old TV shows that I forgot all about.  It has added entertainment to a rather bland break.  

If you are in to great guitar solos, or instrumentals, there is one that I found that might just scratch you where you itch.  It is called "Cliffs of Dover" by Eric Johnson.  It's a goodie.  

All for now.  Back later.  

P.S. Nick Saban is the College Football Coach of the Year.  

He was worth every single of the 400,000,000 pennies we pay him a year.

Roll Tide Roll.

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