Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tomorrow is inauguration day in DC.  I can only imagine the insanity that is going in right now.  I kind of wish I was there, but at the same time the insanity would probably get the best of me.  

If you ever want to laugh really hard and don't mind a few choice words, you need to watch Katt Williams' show called 'Pimp Chronicles pt. 1.'  It is really funny if that is your kind of humor.  I am watching it right now as Blog and it is making me laugh. 

I am debating about getting rid of my glasses and acquiring contacts.  I have been tossing the idea around in my head.  Thoughts?

My weekend was a complete waste.  I really enjoyed my three day weekend but it consisted of me going to bed way too late and sleeping until way late in the afternoon.  It is the life though, pity it is rapidly coming to an end.  

I need to get on a routine.  Something that could get me on a routine might be the key.  I help dogsit this weekend for an 8 week old hound puppy named Jimmy.  I think a dog would get my life on a constant routine.  No matter how late I stay out the night before, that dog will still get up at 6 am.  

228 days until alabama football.

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