Friday, March 5, 2010

The Little Things

My faithful followers,
Happy Friday to you. The weekend has arrived once again, time for sleeping in and staying in your pj's. I would love to say that I will be doing that tomorrow but instead, I will be spending my time in driving school due to a speeding infraction. I can't put into words how excited I am.

Getting back to my title, it has been made apparent to me over the past little while that it truly is 'the little things' that make the biggest difference.

Little things like someone taking the time to send you a hand written note thanking you for something, or simply just to say hello. That is something that this and other newer generations don't do much anymore. Everyone will just shell out a quick email or text, but seldom do people take the time to get out a pen and paper and write something to someone else. I, for one, love getting mail. It has a bigger impact on people because that person didn't just spit out an impersonal email, they took the time to write it down, put it in an envelope, pay for a stamp and mail it. The thoughtful impromptu gift 'just because' or anything that isn't expected. This has happened to me lately and the effect it had on me prompted this blog post.

Take my advice, do something random and thoughtful for someone this week, I promise not only will it make their day, but it will fill your life with joy and peace.

By the way, casual Friday is totally the way to go. Nothing like wearing jeans (especially new, comfortable jeans) and a polo. If you're ever a boss, make sure you allow your employees to take advantage of that. And always have a steady supply of Diet Dr. Pepper on hand.

Feliz fin de la semana to one and all. Enjoy the warm weather, get outside and play.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mothers, control your children

Papa Bus is not a father. Let that point be very clear. The closest thing I have to a child is my 3 month old Golden Retriever. But that does not keep me from commenting on people's parenting choices.

It all started when I was channel surfing a few days ago and I came across the music-less channel of MTV. The station that has traded in their face-melting solos by Slash and Flea for shows that have girls competing for who can get herpes from a washed up 80's front man who is only doing the show because his house is about to be auctioned off by his bank and he is whoring himself out for a paycheck. I don't want to get into that because the potential soapbox that could create would be more than one could handle for this early in the morning.

I digress...

There is this show called '16 and pregnant'. The title speaks for itself. I understand things happen and sometimes people get put into these situations. But usually when it happens, parents, father and the one with child don't usually broadcast it to many outside of their circle of trust.

Obviously I was wrong. Apparently people are so desperate for the taste of the limelight, they will agree to let an MTV crew follow you around and videotape your entire life while you are knocked. Does anyone else think that is dumb?

You would only think that it would be tough to find enough people to fill one show, much less one season.

Oh hell no. They are making a SEASON TWO. They apparently have a hopper full of young people who have never heard of the words 'Contraception' or 'Abstinence'.

Papa Bus is not here to preach or push political agendas. If you choose to go down that road, more power to you. May I make a suggestion. Either make sure to pop that pill or wrap it up. It's not as challenging as you think and you will sleep better at night.

If you decide to not take my wisdom, and you get knocked, don't think that allowing MTV to follow you around and document your life will somehow be your big break and you will be thrust into the world of stardom. You not wearing a condom will NOT get you at a table sharing a bottle of Grey Goose with Miley Cyrus.

All it will do is force you to answer awkward and embarrassing questions to your child that you can't lie about because they can dig up the episode on Not only that, your kids will be forced to wear the cloak of shame while they walk the halls of their local high school.

You don't think that their high school friends will find out? They will.

End of song

Thursday, January 28, 2010

There is nothing more embarassing than a terrible ringtone. You might think that no one heard it, but they did, and they are now judging you.

Greetings my loyal and trusted followers

I noticed something yesterday. Steve Jobs and all of his infinite wisdom and power has come out with a new reason for people camp outside their local Apple store for days and weeks to anxiously await the arrival of a new gadget that 'change their lives'. Riiiiiiiiight. Don't get me wrong, I love gadgets, especially Apple gadgets. I am on my second iPhone, second macbook and I've lost count on the number if iPods I have blown through. It is a well known fact that I go up to the Apple store when I am bored just to play with the toys, but there is a line to be drawn. 'A line in the sand, which you do not cross' to quote Walter from 'The Big Lebowski'. I just don't have the urge to camp outside a store to wait for those golden doors of the Apple Store to open only to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on something that will only be one-upped in 6 months and then repeat the process indefinitely.

For those who want the new gadget and don't want to wait in line, February...when it's snowing in Alabama now, what you need to do is befriend one of 'those people' and totally use them. Well using them sounds bad. You're not taking complete advantage of the situation, just on their lack of friends and companionship. Those people are looking for friends (or more importantly future D&D partners or people to discuss World of Warcraft with for hours and hours) like Snooki is looking for her dignity.

I am glad that people have such passion for things like this. Not only does it make them extremely happy to be the first the area with the new fad, but it gives people who may not share the same passion something to laugh at.

By the way, do you think there is going to be any confusion with the name of the new gadget? iPod...iPad. Too close.

What about if you have a thick Yankee accent. 'Hey brah, what's on your iPaaad?' 'Um....' Confusion is inevitable.

Public Service Announcement:
If you choose to have a ring tone other than the standard rings that come included on your phone, bear in mind that when it rings, OTHER PEOPLE CAN HEAR IT! I only bring this up because as I was sitting at my desk yesterday, minding my own business and 'working', I hear this song blaring at 140 decibels. Usually this would not be a problem because people usually tend to it post haste. Yesterday was not the case. All of a sudden, I hear this bullhornesque noise coming from by starboard side. As the entire office is filled with the soothing sounds of 'My Dick' by Mickey Avalon. For those who may not have their head in the gutter, this song is not about a man named Richard. I could not my eyes darting to the source of the noise thinking that as soon as she heard this song being played she would stop it immediately. Negative Ghostrider. She let it play for what felt like 10 minutes but it was actually like 30 seconds. If you know the song, 3o seconds of it is plenty, especially if you are in the office.

Papa says: if you choose to have a custom ringtone, be prepared to accept the consequences.

There is a good chance of snow this weekend so I better head to the store to stock up on bread and non-perishables.

Don't do anything that I wouldn't do.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm Back Baby!

Back, by popular demand, here comes Papa Bus. Making this world a better place, just by showing up.

I bet you thought that I was done blogging, no so fast my friend. After all of the fan mail, cards, flowers etc that I have received begging me to start again, I felt compelled to give the people what they want. I know that you have been checking my blog daily with bated breath, just on the off chance your cries were answered. Well your wait is over, get off the edge of your seat and get comfortable, your life is made whole again. Get ready for another round of wisdom Papa Bus style. Cooked to perfection, just like you like.

It has been nearly a year since I have offered my undeniable, tried and true wisdom. I don't know how you have survived so far, but have no fear I have returned to bring your life back to full strength.

Much has happened since my last communique nearly 11 months ago. Where to begin...

Since my last installment, I have graduated from College, entered the real world and have become a responsible member of society. A far cry from mere months ago where my life revolved around fraternity food schedules and cover charges at Gallette's. My dream of being a lost boy and staying in this stage forever was squashed on May 9th as I gave Ronnie Gray a pound as I crossed the stage in my stupid gown and a hat that made my already awkward shaped head look like something out of Tim Burton's drug induced dream. It was not my best look. As I heard the words 'Congratulations' from Dr. Witt, I knew it was over. That life was over and a new one has started instantly. One of responsibility and living back in my parents house. Life was headed downhill faster than David Hasselhoff's singing career.

Things are not all bad, My Alma Mater did bring home a National Championship beating that horrid team from Texas. That made me ecstatic seeing as though I hate those Longhorn Bastards. Mount Cody nom nom nom'd like he does best and we came away with #13.

Sadly, this is probably the only exciting thing worth mentioning except that I finally got my partner in crime as predicted in a previous post. His name is Briggs and he is awesome. Besides the occasional chewing of power cords, he is a rock star. I'm sure that a picture will make its way up here in the near future.

That's about all that has been going on for the past 11 months. Pretty sad, eh? Don't worry, great things are coming my way and when they do, rest assured that I will be here to deliver the breaking news.

I will get back into my rhythm of blogging and hilarity will ensue, have no fear.

Smell ya later

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Joke time

As you are aware, I am the funniest person I know.  If you see me on any random occasion, I am either laughing at a dumb joke I heard or I can think of one to tell you.  Today is no exception.  Ready?

What did the Mother Buffalo say to her son when he left?

The answer will be at the bottom of the page.  Scroll to view it. 

I went to Memphis this past weekend.  Long Drive, good food, good company.  Thats about it.  

To be completely honest, I have been struggling to find anything going on in my world that is blog worthy.   I don't like wasting your time with useless nonsense.  I know you're busy so I try and make it worth your time.  That being said, I'll cut it off here.  

Answer to my awesome joke:

(Byeeeee son)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You can't stop it, you can only hope to contain it

Today, I have decided that class is not the most important thing that I have to do today.  Granted, I did go to class today, in fact, I am currently in one of my finance classes.  Which one at this moment escapes me, but it is required for me to graduate and thats all that I really care about.  I think it is investments, but don't quote me.  

I have spent the last few days watching a lot of cable news.  I really enjoy cable news because after about 15 minutes of reporting the news, they are forced to either ad lib some witty comment, or just repeat themselves over, and over, and over again until something else in the world happens that needs to be mentioned or their shift is over.  

That amazes me about cable news, take Foxnews for instance, my favorite, all they do is hire a bunch of pretty, preppy people (Megyn Kelly), find some news and make them read it on repeat.  And when that pretty person's shift is over, they find another pretty preppy person (Shepherd Smith) to read the same news with their person interjections and points of view.  This goes on from the morning to midnight.  And people LOVE it.  I am one of those people and I have come up with a theory about this.  It is called the SportsCenter Theory of Television Viewership.  

What I mean by that is ESPN records three different versions of their show SportsCenter throughout the day.  The last one at night is put on repeat all through the night and into the morning and not stopping until about noon.  Keep in mind it is the EXACT same show, every time.  But people (like myself and a lot of others) end up watching it all morning.  Sometimes back to back, just on the off chance that we missed a play or a Stuart Scott 'Boo-ya'.  I do it.  Everyday usually.  I can't begin to explain the phenomenon or why it happens, but it does and you can't stop it, you can only hope to contain it.  

I spent my day yesterday dog sitting for a friend of mine.  Her dog is an almost three year old Golden Retriever named Kai.  Kai could be the best / nicest/ most obedient dog that I have ever encountered.  She has a love obsession with her tennis ball.  So her mama had to go to class all day yesterday and I had no other plans for the day so I volunteered myself to take Kai and spend the day with her so she didn't have to be by herself.  I went and picked her up and took her to the quad and we threw the ball for about two hours.  Every time, I threw the ball really far away and without missing a beat, she would go get it and bring it back to me, drop it at my feet and go get ready for another throw.  After a few hours of this, she finally came back to me and instead of dropping her ball, she just laid at my feet.  She was done playing.  We began walking back to the house, she slammed down some water in my room and then made herself at home.  I left her in my room as I went downstairs to get myself a glass of water.  When I came back in my room, she was in my bed and taking a nap on my pillow.  I found this funny and laughed at her, until she refused to move when I wanted to lay down too.  She didn't budge.  The best I could manage was moving her over and we shared the bed.  After a while, her mom was done with class and she came over and got Kai.  This experience just made it official that I was getting a dog when I graduate.  A golden.  And me and my dog are going to throw the ball and we are going to take on the world.  

I should probably get to taking notes in this class.  Seeing as though I have no idea what is going on.

I am adding a picture of Kai for your enjoyment.

221 days to Alabama Football


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tomorrow is inauguration day in DC.  I can only imagine the insanity that is going in right now.  I kind of wish I was there, but at the same time the insanity would probably get the best of me.  

If you ever want to laugh really hard and don't mind a few choice words, you need to watch Katt Williams' show called 'Pimp Chronicles pt. 1.'  It is really funny if that is your kind of humor.  I am watching it right now as Blog and it is making me laugh. 

I am debating about getting rid of my glasses and acquiring contacts.  I have been tossing the idea around in my head.  Thoughts?

My weekend was a complete waste.  I really enjoyed my three day weekend but it consisted of me going to bed way too late and sleeping until way late in the afternoon.  It is the life though, pity it is rapidly coming to an end.  

I need to get on a routine.  Something that could get me on a routine might be the key.  I help dogsit this weekend for an 8 week old hound puppy named Jimmy.  I think a dog would get my life on a constant routine.  No matter how late I stay out the night before, that dog will still get up at 6 am.  

228 days until alabama football.