Friday, March 5, 2010

The Little Things

My faithful followers,
Happy Friday to you. The weekend has arrived once again, time for sleeping in and staying in your pj's. I would love to say that I will be doing that tomorrow but instead, I will be spending my time in driving school due to a speeding infraction. I can't put into words how excited I am.

Getting back to my title, it has been made apparent to me over the past little while that it truly is 'the little things' that make the biggest difference.

Little things like someone taking the time to send you a hand written note thanking you for something, or simply just to say hello. That is something that this and other newer generations don't do much anymore. Everyone will just shell out a quick email or text, but seldom do people take the time to get out a pen and paper and write something to someone else. I, for one, love getting mail. It has a bigger impact on people because that person didn't just spit out an impersonal email, they took the time to write it down, put it in an envelope, pay for a stamp and mail it. The thoughtful impromptu gift 'just because' or anything that isn't expected. This has happened to me lately and the effect it had on me prompted this blog post.

Take my advice, do something random and thoughtful for someone this week, I promise not only will it make their day, but it will fill your life with joy and peace.

By the way, casual Friday is totally the way to go. Nothing like wearing jeans (especially new, comfortable jeans) and a polo. If you're ever a boss, make sure you allow your employees to take advantage of that. And always have a steady supply of Diet Dr. Pepper on hand.

Feliz fin de la semana to one and all. Enjoy the warm weather, get outside and play.

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