Thursday, January 28, 2010

There is nothing more embarassing than a terrible ringtone. You might think that no one heard it, but they did, and they are now judging you.

Greetings my loyal and trusted followers

I noticed something yesterday. Steve Jobs and all of his infinite wisdom and power has come out with a new reason for people camp outside their local Apple store for days and weeks to anxiously await the arrival of a new gadget that 'change their lives'. Riiiiiiiiight. Don't get me wrong, I love gadgets, especially Apple gadgets. I am on my second iPhone, second macbook and I've lost count on the number if iPods I have blown through. It is a well known fact that I go up to the Apple store when I am bored just to play with the toys, but there is a line to be drawn. 'A line in the sand, which you do not cross' to quote Walter from 'The Big Lebowski'. I just don't have the urge to camp outside a store to wait for those golden doors of the Apple Store to open only to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on something that will only be one-upped in 6 months and then repeat the process indefinitely.

For those who want the new gadget and don't want to wait in line, February...when it's snowing in Alabama now, what you need to do is befriend one of 'those people' and totally use them. Well using them sounds bad. You're not taking complete advantage of the situation, just on their lack of friends and companionship. Those people are looking for friends (or more importantly future D&D partners or people to discuss World of Warcraft with for hours and hours) like Snooki is looking for her dignity.

I am glad that people have such passion for things like this. Not only does it make them extremely happy to be the first the area with the new fad, but it gives people who may not share the same passion something to laugh at.

By the way, do you think there is going to be any confusion with the name of the new gadget? iPod...iPad. Too close.

What about if you have a thick Yankee accent. 'Hey brah, what's on your iPaaad?' 'Um....' Confusion is inevitable.

Public Service Announcement:
If you choose to have a ring tone other than the standard rings that come included on your phone, bear in mind that when it rings, OTHER PEOPLE CAN HEAR IT! I only bring this up because as I was sitting at my desk yesterday, minding my own business and 'working', I hear this song blaring at 140 decibels. Usually this would not be a problem because people usually tend to it post haste. Yesterday was not the case. All of a sudden, I hear this bullhornesque noise coming from by starboard side. As the entire office is filled with the soothing sounds of 'My Dick' by Mickey Avalon. For those who may not have their head in the gutter, this song is not about a man named Richard. I could not my eyes darting to the source of the noise thinking that as soon as she heard this song being played she would stop it immediately. Negative Ghostrider. She let it play for what felt like 10 minutes but it was actually like 30 seconds. If you know the song, 3o seconds of it is plenty, especially if you are in the office.

Papa says: if you choose to have a custom ringtone, be prepared to accept the consequences.

There is a good chance of snow this weekend so I better head to the store to stock up on bread and non-perishables.

Don't do anything that I wouldn't do.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm Back Baby!

Back, by popular demand, here comes Papa Bus. Making this world a better place, just by showing up.

I bet you thought that I was done blogging, no so fast my friend. After all of the fan mail, cards, flowers etc that I have received begging me to start again, I felt compelled to give the people what they want. I know that you have been checking my blog daily with bated breath, just on the off chance your cries were answered. Well your wait is over, get off the edge of your seat and get comfortable, your life is made whole again. Get ready for another round of wisdom Papa Bus style. Cooked to perfection, just like you like.

It has been nearly a year since I have offered my undeniable, tried and true wisdom. I don't know how you have survived so far, but have no fear I have returned to bring your life back to full strength.

Much has happened since my last communique nearly 11 months ago. Where to begin...

Since my last installment, I have graduated from College, entered the real world and have become a responsible member of society. A far cry from mere months ago where my life revolved around fraternity food schedules and cover charges at Gallette's. My dream of being a lost boy and staying in this stage forever was squashed on May 9th as I gave Ronnie Gray a pound as I crossed the stage in my stupid gown and a hat that made my already awkward shaped head look like something out of Tim Burton's drug induced dream. It was not my best look. As I heard the words 'Congratulations' from Dr. Witt, I knew it was over. That life was over and a new one has started instantly. One of responsibility and living back in my parents house. Life was headed downhill faster than David Hasselhoff's singing career.

Things are not all bad, My Alma Mater did bring home a National Championship beating that horrid team from Texas. That made me ecstatic seeing as though I hate those Longhorn Bastards. Mount Cody nom nom nom'd like he does best and we came away with #13.

Sadly, this is probably the only exciting thing worth mentioning except that I finally got my partner in crime as predicted in a previous post. His name is Briggs and he is awesome. Besides the occasional chewing of power cords, he is a rock star. I'm sure that a picture will make its way up here in the near future.

That's about all that has been going on for the past 11 months. Pretty sad, eh? Don't worry, great things are coming my way and when they do, rest assured that I will be here to deliver the breaking news.

I will get back into my rhythm of blogging and hilarity will ensue, have no fear.

Smell ya later