Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Joke time

As you are aware, I am the funniest person I know.  If you see me on any random occasion, I am either laughing at a dumb joke I heard or I can think of one to tell you.  Today is no exception.  Ready?

What did the Mother Buffalo say to her son when he left?

The answer will be at the bottom of the page.  Scroll to view it. 

I went to Memphis this past weekend.  Long Drive, good food, good company.  Thats about it.  

To be completely honest, I have been struggling to find anything going on in my world that is blog worthy.   I don't like wasting your time with useless nonsense.  I know you're busy so I try and make it worth your time.  That being said, I'll cut it off here.  

Answer to my awesome joke:

(Byeeeee son)